Very rare and of great historical interest, the last Seleukid coin
Los 1379
SELEUKID KINGS. Antiochos XIII Philadelphos (Asiatikos), second reign, 65/4 BC (?). Tetradrachm (Silver, 26 mm, 15.08 g, 1 h), Antiochia on the Orontes. Diademed head of Antiochos XIII to right. Rev. [BA]ΣIΛE[ΩΣ] / ANTIOXO[Y] - ΦΙΛAΔEΛΦOY Zeus seated left, holding Nike in his right hand and scepter in his left; in inner left field, monogram; all within laurel wreath. SC 2487a. Very rare and of great historical interest, the last Seleukid coin. Nicely toned and with an attractive portrait. Slightly rough and with tiny marks, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Antiochos XIII Philadelphos was the elder son of Antiochos X and Kleopatra Selene. He was the last Seleukid king to issue his own coins, ruling twice in Antioch, first from 69/8 to 67, and possibly again in 65/4. However, both his claim to the throne and that of his rival, Philip II Philorhomaios, were disregarded by Pompey the Great, who annexed Syria as a Roman province and had Antiochos XIII executed in 64/3.
150 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Mar-25, 23:29:00 CET
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